(for children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021)
Any family wishing to apply for a place at Goldfinch Primary must complete the Common Application Form (CAF) from your Local Authority.
If you are applying for an out-of-year group place, you must notify the school in writing by email to Please see the Admissions Policy below for more information.
The London Borough of Wandsworth’s Admissions page is linked HERE
Open sessions were held in the Autumn term and we would like to thank all who attended. For any questions, please contact the school office HERE.
Please note the following key dates in the application process for Reception 2025 entry:
September 2024: Prospectus and admissions information available from the school and the website and applications open
Wednesday 15 January 2025: Deadline for submission of the Common Application Form (CAF) to your home Local Authority
February 2025: Governors’ Admissions Committee review applications received under the Medical/Social Reasons criterion
Wednesday 16 April 2025: National Offer Day. Local Authorities will notify families of the offer of a school place.
Waiting list information available
Thursday 17 April 2025: Goldfinch Primary will write directly to applicants who have been offered a place at the school
w/b 21 April 2025: Second round offers made for any places not accepted in the first round of offers
Appeal packs available for those who wish to consider appealing the decision not to offer a school place
Wednesday 30 April 2025: Deadline for return of acceptances to Goldfinch Primary and the Local Authority
Friday 23 May 2025: Deadline for return of appeal forms
w/b 30 June 2025: Appeals heard
You will receive notification of the date and time of your appeal hearing at least 10 school days before your appeal hearing. Any additional evidence you wish the panel to consider must be submitted at least 5 school days before your appeal hearing. The clerk will send the appeal papers to you and the panel at least 5 school days before your appeal hearing. You will receive written notification of the outcome of your appeal within 5 school days of your appeal hearing, wherever possible.
Appeals for late applications should be lodged by the deadline above or within 25 school days of the date of notification that the application was unsuccessful, whichever is later, and will be heard within 40 school days of the deadline where possible, or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged. Appeals lodged after the appropriate deadline will be heard as soon as is reasonably practicable.
For any questions, please contact the school office HERE
The Admissions Policy, Early Years Brochure and School Life Gallery are available using the links below:
Admissions Policy for 2025 Entry
Early Years Brochure
We offer a range of part-time and full-time places in our nursery and families can also access our After-School Club facility.
Applications for the nursery are available at the school office.
For more information, please see the Early Years Brochure linked below:
If you are interested in finding out about spaces at the school, please contact the school office HERE. To apply for an In-Year place for the 2024-25 academic year for Reception to Year 6, you need to complete the Wandsworth In-Year Common Application Form available HERE. Please see the Admissions Policy linked below for more information on In-Year Admissions.
Applications made in previous academic years do not carry forward into the 2024-25 academic year. If you have applied previously and not yet been offered a place, you will need to submit a new In-Year application form. For any questions, please contact the school office HERE.
This form is NOT for Reception applications for 2025 entry. For Reception for 2025 entry, please see the relevant admissions section above.
Appeals for In-Year applications should be lodged within 25 school days of the date of notification that the application was unsuccessful and will be heard within 30 school days of being lodged. Appeals lodged after the appropriate deadline will be heard as soon as is reasonably practicable.
You will receive notification of the date and time of your appeal hearing at least 10 school days before your appeal hearing. Any additional evidence you wish the panel to consider must be submitted at least 5 school days before your appeal hearing. The clerk will send the appeal papers to you and the panel at least 5 school days before your appeal hearing. You will receive written notification of the outcome of your appeal within 5 school days of your appeal hearing, wherever possible.
The admissions policy for September 2026 entry has been published and is available below.
Further details regarding applications for September 2026 entry will be published in the summer.
If you have any questions in the interim, please contact the school office HERE
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- Admissions