Vision, Ethos & Values
Our aim is ‘Building Excellence’ to achieve the highest standards for our school community. Our key values are Respect, Responsibility, Resourcefulness, Resilience, Reflection (the ‘5 Rs’).
Our aims and our ethos are discussed regularly in class and shared in assemblies and we ensure that kindness always runs through everything that we say and do.
- we develop confident, responsible, resourceful, reflective independent learners
- we deliver a challenging, inspiring, broad and balanced curriculum which responds to children’s individual needs and teaches them how to learn and remember
- we promote self-esteem and resilience across the whole school community
- we notice and celebrate children’s achievements
- we model and expect high standards of behaviour at all times
- we consistently promote equality, understanding, respect and personal pride in all that we do
- we provide a safe, healthy and stimulating environment for everyone
- we ensure there is a partnership and good communication between staff, families and governors to develop and support children’s learning